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MIG exists to serve the Memphis-area real estate investment community. Our mission is to provide our members the education, training, motivation and networking opportunities that will further the ethical investment in real estate.


If you think the price of education is expensive consider the cost of ignorance.

HomeKevin McDonell


I've been a professional Real Estate Investor for more than 30 years.  Like most of our members, I didn't start out in this industry.

I started out in Canada and through a series of family moves awoke in Memphis in my last few weeks of my junior year in high school the week Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinate

Still in culture shock, I graduated from Bartlett High, got my Bachelor's degree from Ole Miss and after being discouraged from an engineering future, found myself in law school. I received my J.D. degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  After marrying my loving wife, Ellen, I worked in corporate law and management.
When children came along, I began investing in real estate as our children’s college fund.  This became more and more interesting to me and a part-time investor morphed into a full-time real estate investor now for many years.

My portfolio has been up to 70 and now has settled down to less than 30 rental units including single-family, small multi-family and commercial buildings. It has historically emphasized the Memphis midtown market. Through the years I have built a wide range of expertise in all phases of financing, acquisition, rehab and rental management even including a several year adventure on the Mississippi Gulf coast buying and rehabbing houses after hurricane Katrina.

Our MIG Club Administrator, Ellen, and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary a number of years ago.  We have 2 grown boys who are toe-dipping in the landlording experience in Memphis and in Nashville.

I have been privileged to serve as a board member of the Memphis Investors Group.  I'm also a grateful member of Hope Church and enjoy deals of all kinds, cooking, old cars and being the grandfather of an exceptional red-headed lad and the sweetest little baby girls you can imagine.