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MIG exists to serve the Memphis-area real estate investment community. Our mission is to provide our members the education, training, motivation and networking opportunities that will further the ethical investment in real estate.


If you think the price of education is expensive consider the cost of ignorance.



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Joe is an attorney and Senior Underwriting Counsel with Closetrak providing closing services for all types of real estate transactions.
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Yes, absolutely they are. But only if you want to save time, save money, develop business systems, be more productive and actually make some money!
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Joe is an attorney and Senior Underwriting Counsel with CloseTRAK and provides closing services for all types of real estate transactions.
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Be Glad You Don't Live In California
Recently a court has awarded several California counties and cities a total of $1.15 Billion in awarded damages against 5 paint manufacturers. The award is for the "public nuisances" the paint companies created by using lead in interior paints prior to 1978. The money is to be used to test ALL the older homes for traces of lead paint AND to abate the problem. Imagine the mess and the turmoil.
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Understanding the difference between a double close vs assignment of contract transaction.
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Have You Shopped at Home Depot Since April, 2014?
If you used a payment card at Home Depot since April your payment card data may have been hacked. HD is offering a free identity protection service to anyone who used a payment card since April. Go to to protect yourself.
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Real estate investing is something that has, for me at least, been filled with many “aha” moments. Read about this "aha" moment.
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Before you can become a good investor, you have to invest in yourself. Many people think it is too expensive to pay for Saturday workshops or shell out hundreds of dollars for a course. I'm telling you its very much penny wise and pound foolish. Embracing these study materials will make you money and help prevent a mistake that may have many 000's after it.
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Learn how to make real estate investing a business for long-term wealth. Don, along with Holly, owns and operates a franchise of HomeVestors of America, America's # 1 Homebuyer.
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Landlord issues -bankruptcy
Landlord issues in bankruptcy: If the tenant files for protection under a chapter 13 you can't evict without an order of relief from the automatic stay. Is you attempt to do so you could be held in contempt by the bankruptcy court. Even if you have a lawsuit pending to evict and the tenant files, you must drop the proceedings and obtain releif. Do not dismiss the suit but only drop it
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Talking to bankers is easy with these tips! Learn what bankers want to know and how to present yourself financially. From
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Joseph T. Kirkland, an Attorney and Senior Underwriting Counsel with CloseTRAK and current 2017 President of the Memphis Investors Group.?
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Joseph T. Kirkland, an Attorney and Senior Underwriting Counsel with CloseTRAK and current 2017 President of the Memphis Investors Group.?
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If you are a landlord in Tennessee there is one clause that you absolutely must have in your lease. If you do not, it will cost you time and money. Read more to find out what this clause is.
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In 2002 I became interested in the real estate investment business, buying and selling single family homes in the Memphis area. I am now retired from Teradata and I am pursuing my interests in real estate. This enables me to use my creative abilities, business experiences and apply them in a new and exciting way.
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Joseph T. Kirkland, an Attorney and Senior Underwriting Counsel with CloseTRAK and current 2017 President of the Memphis Investors Group.?
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Why join MIG? To be a successful real estate investor of course! But, if that is not enough, this article gives you eight good reasons why you should sign up.
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